The blessing for the people of Judah (Jer 31:23-31:23)

“Thus says Yahweh of hosts!

The God of Israel!

‘Once more

They shall use

These words

In the land of Judah,

In its towns,

When I restore

Their fortunes.

‘Yahweh bless you!

O habitation of righteousness!

O holy hill!’”

Yahweh then blessed Judah and its towns sometime around 587 BCE at the time of the second Babylonian captivity. They should remember these words that were in Judah and all its towns. Yahweh was going to restore their fortunes. Yahweh would bless them in their place of righteousness, on the holy hill in Jerusalem. They just had to wait.

God leads them to the holy land (Ps 78:52-78:55)

“Then he led out his people like sheep.

He guided them in the wilderness like a flock.

He led them to safety.

They were not afraid.

However the sea overwhelmed their enemies.

He brought them to his holy hill.

He brought them to the mountain

That his right hand had won.

He drove out nations before them.

He apportioned them for a possession.

He settled the tribes of Israel in their tents.”

God led his people like sheep. Thus the image of the good shepherd goes back to the Exodus itself. He guided his flock of sheep through the wilderness as he led them to safety. Thus they were not afraid. After all he had led them through the waters that never touched them. He brought them to his holy hill or mountain, Mount Sinai. He drove out nations before them as they entered the holy land. The apportionment of this holy land among the Israelite tribes can be found in Joshua, chapters 14-19.

Wanting to go to the holy hill (Ps 43:3-43:4)

“O send out your light!

Send out your truth!

Let them lead me!

Let them bring me to your holy hill!

Let them bring me to your dwelling!

Then I will go to the altar of God.

I will go to God.

My exceeding joy.

I will praise you with the harp.

O God!

My God!”

The psalmist wanted God to send light and truth to him. They would lead him to the holy hill in Jerusalem. He would then be able to go to Temple, the dwelling of God. Then he would be happy and joyful praising God on the harp.

The liturgy of Yahweh (Ps 15:1-15:1)

A psalm of David.


Who may abide in your tent?

Who may dwell on your holy hill?”

Who can be admitted into the worship of Yahweh? The title of this very short Psalm 15 is merely that of David. Clearly it is tied to the temple worship. Who can enter Yahweh’s holy tent and holy hill? The conditions for entering will be outlined in the next few verses.

The kingdom of Yahweh at Zion (Ps 2:4-2:6)

“He who sits in the heavens laughs.

Yahweh has them in derision.

Then he will speak to them in his wrath.

He will terrify them in his fury.


‘I have set my king on Zion,

My holy hill.’”

Yahweh is really the king in heaven. There he sits and looks at distain on the earth. However, when he speaks, he speaks in anger and tries to terrify the various nations. He has set his king on the his holy hill of Mount Zion, the southern highest hill in Jerusalem. There can be no doubt that Yahweh is the king and his favorite mountain is in Jerusalem where David setup his kingdom. The king on Zion is of course David.