The raised platform foundations (Ezek 41:8-41:11)

“I saw also

That the temple had

A raised platform

All around.

The foundations

Of the side chambers

Measured a full reed

Of six long cubits.

The thickness

Of the outer wall

Of the side chambers was

Five cubits.

The free space

Between the side chambers

Of the temple

With the chambers

Of the court

Was a width

Of twenty cubits

All around the temple

On every side.

The side chambers opened

Into the area left free.

One door was

Toward the north.

Another door was

Toward the south.

The width

Of the part

That was left free

Was five cubits all around.”

Then Ezekiel explained that he saw a raised platform all around the base or the foundations of these side rooms or chambers. Once again, he went into detail about the size of these items. This platform foundation measured 6 cubits or about 10 feet. The outer walls of these chambers were fairly thick, 5 cubits or about 8 feet wide. There was a free space between these Temple small rooms and the chambers in the court of 20 cubits, or about 35 feet, all around the Temple. There also was an open space in front of the small chamber doors on the north side and the south side of 5 cubits or 8 feet wide.

The outer court (Ezek 40:17-40:19

“Then he brought me

To the outer court.

There were chambers there.

There was a pavement,

All around the court.

Thirty chambers

Fronted on the pavement.

The pavement

Ran along

The side of the gates.

They corresponded

To the length

Of the gates.

This was the lower pavement.

Then he measured

The distance

From the inner front

Of the lower gate

To the outer front

Of the inner court,

One hundred cubits.”

Then the bronze man brought Ezekiel to the outer court, where there were 30 chambers with a pavement all around the court. These chambers looked out on the pavement that ran along the side of the gates. The length of this lower pavement was the same as the gates themselves. The bronze man measured the distance from the inner front of the lower gate to the outer front of the inner court, 100 cubits or over 165 feet, the largest measurement so far.