The defeat of the demon (Tob 8:1-8:3)

“When they had finished eating and drinking, they wanted to retire. They took the young man and brought him into the bedroom. Then Tobias remembered the words of Raphael. He took the fish liver and heart out of the bag where he had put them. He put them on the embers of the incense. The odor of the fish was so repelling to the demon that he fled to the remotest parts of Egypt. However, Raphael followed him and at once bound him there hand and foot.”

After they had finished eating and drinking, they led Tobias to the bedroom. However, he remembered what Raphael had told him about the fish. He took out the fish liver and heart that he had been carrying. He then put them on the incense embers to create an odor that made the demon flee to Egypt. There in Egypt, the angel Raphael tied up his hands and feet. There is a story for you. The big brave evil demon spirit was afraid of a fish smell. He fled to Egypt where Tobias’s guardian angel Raphael caught the evil spirit and then tied up his hands and feet. Egypt was considered the traditional place of magic and witchcraft so it was a good place for evil spirits to go. However, since when did evil spirits have hands and feet?

Raphael tells Tobias about the solution to his problem (Tob 6:16-6:18)

“However, Raphael said to him.

‘Do you not remember your father’s orders?

When he commanded you to take a wife from your father’s house? Now listen to me, brother!

Say no more about this demon!

Take her!

I know that this very night she will be given to you in marriage. When you enter the bridal chamber,

Take some of the fish’s liver and heart.

Put them on the embers of the incense.

An odor will be given off.

The demon will smell it and flee.

He will never be seen near her any more.

Now when you are about to go to bed with her,

Both of you must stand up and pray,

Imploring the God of heaven

That mercy and safety may be granted to you.

Do not be afraid!

She was set apart for you before the world was made.

You will save her.

She will go with you.

I presume that you will have children by her.

They will be brothers to you.

Now say no more!’

When Tobias heard the words of Raphael, he learned that she was his kinswoman, related through his father’s lineage. He loved her very much. His heart was drawn to her.”

The angel Raphael reminded Tobias that his father had told him to take a wife from his own house. Raphael told him not to worry about the demon. He told Tobias to take the fish liver and fish heart and then burn it on incense. The smell from the smoke would make the demon flee and stay away forever. He implored both of them to stand up and pray before they went to bed. Ask the God of heaven to be merciful to them and keep them safe so that they would have children. Now Tobias was relieved to find out that Sarah was a kinswoman of his father. He would be able to chase away the demon with the fish heart and liver. He began to love her as her was drawn to her, even though he had never met her yet. This is almost like an arranged marriage.

What to do with the fish gall, heart, and liver (Tob 6:6-6:9)

“The two continued on their way together until they were near Media. Then the young man questioned the angel.

‘Brother Azariah,

What medicinal value is there in the fish’s heart, liver and gall?’

He replied.

‘As for the fish’s heart and liver,

You must burn them to make smoke

In the presence of a man or woman afflicted by a demon or evil spirit. Every affliction will flee away

And never remain with that person any longer.

As for the gall,

Anoint a person’s eyes where white films have appeared on them. Blow upon them,

Upon the white films,

And the eyes will be healed.’”

As they approached Media, Tobias asked the angel what kind of medicinal value was the fish’s heart, liver, and gall. He always called him Azariah. The angel explained that the heart and liver had to be burned to make smoke in the presence of anyone who was afflicted with an evil spirit or demon. Done properly, all the evil spirit afflictions will flee and never return. The fish gall, on the other hand, should be put on the eyes of a man who has white film on his eyes. This fish gall anointing would heal the eyes after you blow on it. Thus the fish parts are a key to this story as it unfolds.