The magnificent creator (Ps 8:1-8:2)

To the choirmaster leader, according to the Gittith, a psalm of David.

O Yahweh, our Sovereign!

How majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory above the heavens!

Out of the mouths of babies and infants,

You have founded a bulwark.

Because of your foes,

You silence the enemy and the avenger.”

Once again this Psalm 8 has a remark about the leader choirmaster with this being a psalm of David in general. It is to be played on a Gittith, a stringed instrument like a harp, guitar or ukulele, something the Philistines might have used. Once again this is addressed to Yahweh, the king of all the earth. His glory was above the heavens. Then we have the famous phrase about “out of the mouths of babies,” who obviously could not talk, but that Jesus Christ will use in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2. Finally, there was the stinger against the foes, the enemies, and the avengers.