The various worship services

There were various worship regulations, especially about presenting the first fruits of the harvest.  There were clear guidelines about inadvertent and intentional law breaking, as well the punishment for violating the Sabbath.  There was a mention of the tassels on garments.  Of course, there was the revolt of Korah and the 250 men.  Their punishment was to be taken alive with their families.  Those who complained that Moses was taking too much credit ended up with burning censers destroying them.  The story of Aaron and his blossoming branches showed Yahweh’s love of Aaron.  There was a clear division of the responsibilities between the Levites and priests.  The priests or sons of Aaron had more responsibilities than the ordinary Levites.  Tithing was essential to all religious life in Israel.  The unique burning of the red heifer and the water cleansing ritual were also important.  There was always the reminder of about touching the dead and the 7 days of impurity.   Both Miriam and Aaron died before they reached the land flowing with milk and honey.  How do you want to die?

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