The Lord’s creation (Sir 16:26-16:30)

“The Lord created his works

From the beginning.

When he made them,

He determined their boundaries.

He arranged his works

In an eternal order.

Their dominion was

For all generations.

They are neither hungry

Nor growing weary.

They do not abandon their tasks.

They do not crowd one another.

They never disobey his word.

The Lord looked upon the earth.

He filled it with his good things.

With all kinds of living beings

He covered its surface.

In to it

They must return.”

Sirach’s concept of creation was as a developed static work. The Lord determined the eternal boundaries of all the created things on earth. Thus there was the domination of certain species over others. Nature does not grow weary or hungry. The things of the earth do not abandon their tasks nor crowd each other out. They never disobey the Lord. He has filled this earth with good living things. However, all these living things will return to the earthly surface since they are not individually eternal.