Israel will no longer be a disgrace (Ezek 36:13-36:15)

“Thus says Yahweh God!

They say to you.

‘You devour people.

You bereave

Your nation of children.’


You shall no longer

Devour people.

You shall no longer


Your nation of children.’

Says Yahweh God!

‘I will not let you

Hear any more

Of the insults

Of the nations.

You shall no longer

Bear the disgrace

Of the people.

You shall no longer

Cause your nation

To stumble.’

Says Yahweh God!”

Yahweh God, via Ezekiel, commented that people around Israel were saying that the Israelites devoured their own people and bereaved their own children. Perhaps, this was a reference to the human sacrifices at the fertility rites on the Israelite hill tops. However, Yahweh was insistent that this was going to stop. He did not want to hear any more insults from these various countries. Israel would no longer bear the disgrace of the many people around them. No one would cause their country to stumble.